Christian (McNamara)





1.) Statistical Stuff


·      Name: Christian

·      Band: XXXMcNamaraXXX

·      Birthday: 29.01.1977

·      Sign of the zodiac: aquarius

·      Place of birth: Halle, Germany

·      Occupation: student (medicine)

·      Residence: near stuttgart, germany

·      Shoesize: 11

·      Colour of eyes: brown

·      Colour of hair: brown (nice brown)

·      Brothers or sisters: one brother (Sebastian)

·      Girlfriend: she left me a while ago, sad story

·      Pets: two birds (one parrot)


2.) Favourite Stuff


 - movie: matrix, end of days, woody allan stuff

 - book: oh, difficult. thousands. how about - "journey to the east (=die morgenlandfahrt) by H. Hesse, or anything else by him and N.Lesskow, K.Gjellerup, Goethe, i also love Tolstoi, W.Blake, M.P.Hall, etc etc

 - animal:     i don't know. i don't eat them.

 - author:    where shall i start?? - H.P.B., Hesse, the guy who wrote the New Testament, J.v.R., H. Sterneder.......

 - food:    indian cuisine!!

 - drink:    water

 -    don't waste my time on that!!!

 - brand: don't care

 - actor / actress: winona ryder (adorably cute!!), Robert de Niro

 - number: 7, 9

 - artist: William Blake, J.A.Knapp, JOHFRA

 - flower: light coloured roses

 - fragrance: bogner "man"

 - best record ever: several. like Split Lip, for the love of the wounded; YOT, we're not in...; Carcass, necroticism...; Poison the Well stuff...

 - stuffed animal: i never really got into that

 - band: Youth of Today

 - label: doghouse (old stuff), revelation

 - song: all fall down, by sri

 - country: i need two answers for that. one would be india, and the other, germany. either one for cultural reasons.

- straigth edge band / song: bane/yot; song: my inner truth, by back in the days



3.) Various Stuff


·      Hobbies: hobbies?!? I study medicine, no leisure time!! well, maybe a little. music, BOOKS!!!, writing books...

·      First and last record you bought : first: Sodom, agent orange; last: Cataract, golem

·      Idol of your childhood / teenage years / nowadays: Hesse, nowadays noone really. i try to become the person that is hidden within myself, in my heart.

·      As a child what did you wanna be when you’re grown up ?: i've always wanted to marry a rich woman, so that i wouldn't have to worry about growing up too much...i guess nothing's changed so far.

·      Favourite toy when you were a child: lego!!!

·      Name any 3 persons (alive/dead) that youd love to meet : 1. Mme Blavatsky, 2. Hitler, 3. the Dalai Lama

·      Do you consider yourself a spiritual person ?: i sure do.

·      If you were sent to a deserted Island and you’d only be allowed to take three things (anything, food/water is provided!!!) with you, what would they be ?: 2. my ex girlfriend, if she agreed 3.guitar



4.) Personal Stuff


·      Your first kiss: when and with whom ?: silke h., when i was fourteen (too bad i can't really remember it!!)

·      Your first time: when and with whom ?: question's too impenetrable...surpasses my reason...

·      What do you like in particular about yourself ?: strong will, imagination, me being romantic

·      What don’t you like about yourself ?: i can be very insisting, i'm afraid that sometimes i appear to be condescending and arrogant

·      Where would you like to live ?: germany, maybe heidelberg

·      Do you like tattoos / piercings ? Do you have any ?: i don't like piercings. i love tattoos. i have quite a few.

·      First and last hc-show ever : first: nations on fire; most recent one: cataract

·      If a fairy granted you the choice between Sporty Spice and Britney Spears to be all yours, whom would you take ?: my ex girlfriend



5.) Musical Stuff


·      How did you get involved with music / sXe ? met a couple of people who were into it; i had been listening to a lot of death metal like ten years ago, then youth of today changed my taste considerably!!

·      Which instruments do you play ? guitar (thus, bass also, but like a guitar player would play it)

·      Who gave life to McNamara? When was their first show ? well, my brother and i started mcnamara in '95. since then, a lot of people were in the band. it took us painfully long to get a stable line up, a task we finally managed to handle like a year and a half ago. we played our real first show in jan 2000 with good glean fun in husum, germany.

·      Who writes the lyrics and music in McNamara ? it's mainly me who writes both music and lyrics. some stuff was written by sebastian (my brother), who plays drums. oh, and two more lyrics were written by my friend marisa.

·      Releases ? we're trying hard... we recorded stuff last summer. if anybody's interested, let me know!

·      Who else is in McNamara ? Sebastian (drums), Joffrey (guitar), Wolle(bass), and we're dealing with a slight singer problem at the moment, but it seems like we found someone new. on our recordings, Andre sang. i play guitar, too.

·      What was the best and worst show you've ever played ? best: with shelter, as i like this band a lot; worst: somewhere in north germany with a whole bunch of bands, where noone showed up and we lost a lot of money.

·      Is there anything you like in particular about beeing on stage? the impression, that somebody likes our songs

·      Anything you hate ? you sweat a lot

·      What are McNamara plans for the future ? Releases ? Tours? I don't know. we're writing new songs right now that I'd love to record as soon as possible provided that we have a new singer. plus, i'd love to play more shows. so it all depends on a new singer...

·      In case you can think of a good closing statement feel free to tell the world: give everybody a second chance! they all deserve it!

·      Contact McNamara: